Terms & Conditions

Make things crystal clear.

Terms & conditions of Attendance at Ant Programming

I approve of my child’s involvement in AntProgramming courses and have read all the conditions in this document.

I permit my child to participate in activities organized for the days my child will be attending the classes at AntProgramming.

If the session takes place within a school, AntProgramming is responsible for my child until teachers take over supervisory duties or until supervision is handed over to the adult nominated as responsible for the supervision of the child (after school hours activities).

I authorise staff, in the event of accident or illness, to obtain all necessary medical assistance and treatment for my child and agree to meet any expenses attached to such treatment.

I acknowledge that my child will not attend the activities if suffering from infectious or communicable diseases as identified by the Department of Health.

Except as otherwise expressly required by law, AntProgramming does not accept any liability for personal injury, property damage or loss sustained by any participant as a result of his or her participation at the Service due to any cause whatsoever unless caused by the proven negligenc­­e of AntProgramming, its directors or employees.

(You may Opt-Out of this clause by providing us by email if you do not wish your child to be photographed). I provide permission for AntProgramming to capture photographic or video images of my child during an event.

I agree that all rights to these images, sounds or text are the sole property of AntProgramming.

I give permission for any images captured (with first-name identification) to be used in school and parent reporting, published on the company website, in news media (newspaper, TV, etc.) or published in print publications.

I authorise staff to apply sunscreen to my child if activities are taking place outdoors

I understand that if my child continuously demonstrates inappropriate behavior after guidance procedures have been followed, I will be notified, and my child may be removed or suspended for a period to be determined or excluded permanently from the Service.

We may refuse any individual admission to enrol in a course, that we consider being a safety or security risk to other course participants or the premises where the course is being held. Additionally, we may request any person in breach of the course regulations to leave the premises where the course is held. Fees paid for course participants not admitted due to these circumstances will be forfeited and you will not be entitled to a refund for any portion thereof.

All fees must be paid in advance. Program duration is generally defined as a School Term.

I understand that there are minimum numbers required for a program to proceed. AntProgramming reserves the right to cancel a program if there are fewer than 3 enrolments.

I agree to pay for all the days my child is successfully enrolled, regardless of whether my child attends.

A child’s attendance at 2 or more classes during a term constitutes an enrolment and full-term fees become due.

AntProgramming reserves the right to amend these Terms and Conditions.

Terms and conditions of your Child’s Obligation and Restrictions.

You must ensure that your own behavior and that of your child or minor is not offensive to other AntProgramming students.

You and your child or minor must use AntProgramming equipment solely as agreed with AntProgramming management and for no other purpose.

You and your child may enter the AntProgramming premises and rooms only during classes or events during the designated operating hours or if agreed with the AntProgramming management.

You must ensure that your child or minor will conduct themselves whilst on AntProgramming premises in a responsible, proper and orderly manner and will not permit or suffer to be done in or about the premises any act, matter or thing which may injure or tend to injure the AntProgramming, the premises or any other student.

Personal Injury – AntProgramming accepts no responsibility for any injury incurred during the event day by your child or minor nor any subsequent cost related to that injury.

AntProgramming takes no responsibility for the loss or damage to your child or minor’s personal property, including money or any other valuable items.

Your child or minor must not undertake any illegal activity at AntProgramming.

You or your child or minor must not permit any of the equipment supplied by AntProgramming to be removed from the facility or damaged/destroyed. The equipment can be taken home only with the consent from AntProgramming management.

You or your child or minor must not record images of other persons at AntProgramming unaffiliated to you unless it is with their prior consent and in the case of minors the prior consent must be from their legal guardians.

You and your child or minor must leave the facility and/or the equipment in a tidy, safe and proper condition to the reasonable satisfaction of AntProgramming.

At AntProgramming’s reasonable demand, you must pay for any damage to the facility and/or equipment or other items supplied by AntProgramming, which at any time may be found to be missing, damaged or damaged beyond repair or destroyed as a result of you or your child or minor action or inaction.

Payments & Refund

We know choosing the right course that your child will love can be difficult. It’s for this exact reason that we have introduced our money-back guarantee.

Please note that the refund must be requested in writing and verified by the AntProgramming office.

  • Refund will exclude AUD $15 as the registration fee.
  • Refunds for card payment will be issued back to the card. For other forms of payment such as cash or cheque, a direct bank transfer will be the form of a refund. It could take 7-10 days to be refunded to your card or bank account.

For school term courses 

  • Full refund for change of mind after the first class. If a student withdraws after the second class, refund on a pro-rata basis is available.

For holiday camp programs

  • Full refund if you notify us 14 days before the program starts.
  • 50% refund if you notify us 7 days before the program starts.
  • 20% refund if you notify us less than 7 days before the program starts.

AntProgramming reserves the right to change the course price at any time. In the event of such a price change, it will not affect the confirmed enrolments but will be in effect from the future enrolments.

Online transactions will be safe through the AntProgramming website through an industry-leading secure payment gateway.

Once the payment is done, the receipt will be auto emailed to the payer who paid for the enrollment of the student at AntProgramming.

Course Cancellations

All classes require at least 3 students enrolled unless informed otherwise if your class has less than 3 students, we will try to arrange another class for your child but with no guarantee. In this case, if no class can be arranged, we will provide you with a FULL refund.

For classes canceled due to unexpected public health warnings or severe weather conditions, e.g. swine flu, COVID19, etc. AntProgramming will try to accommodate the majority with makeup classes but with no guarantee.

If you want to make any change of course location, course type, or start date after initial enrolment due to your own reasons, a rebooking fee of AUD $15 will be charged.

Free Online Learning Support Session Arrangement

As AntProgramming always aims to maximise students’ learning experience, we endeavor to provide a 15-minute Online Learning Support Session(OLSS) via Zoom or Skype for missed classes. OLSS is free of charge, maximum 2 sessions for one student in any school term courses, subject to availability.

Please provide AntProgramming with at least 24-hours of notification of absence by email support@antprogramming.com.au or via our WeChat (AntProgramming). We will send the missed class materials, tasks and assignments to students, and arrange an OLSS accordingly.

No in-person make-up classes will be provided and no refunds given for missed classes.



AntProgramming reserves the right to amend the aforementioned Terms and Conditions.


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